lab sculpture
created by Steve Lohman

Stanford Bio-X Seed Grant leads to first new clinical imaging platform in a quarter-century. Andrew Myers, Stanford Report. August 27th, 2024.
Two Stanford faculty named Vannevar Bush Faculty Fellows. Holly Alyssa MacCormick and Jill Wu, Stanford Report. July 25, 2022.
Department Of Defense Names Nine University Faculty To Receive Vannevar Bush Fellowships. Michael T. Nietzel, Forbes. Jul 26, 2022.
Ambitious brain recordings create unprecedented portrait of vision in action. Kristin Sainani, News, Wu Tsai Neurosciences Institute, Stanford University. May 18, 2022.
Spying on Thousands of Neurons in the Brain’s Vision Center Simultaneously. HHMI News. May 18, 2022.
Scientists Find Brain Cells That Make Pain Hurt. Jonathan Lambert, NPR Health Shots. Jan 17, 2019.
Researchers discover the brain cells that make pain unpleasant. Hanae Armitage, Stanford Medicine News. Jan 17, 2019.
On their best behavior. Michael Eisenstein. Nature Methods. 16:5-8. December 20, 2018.
Method of the Year 2018: Imaging in freely behaving animals. Nature Methods. 16:1. December 20, 2018
New study sheds light on the complex dynamics of Parkinson’s disease. Nathan Collins, Stanford News. May 2, 2018.
Chronic imaging of the fruit fly brain. Research Highlights. Nature Methods 15(5):313. May 2018.
Stanford scientists study Pavlovian conditioning in neural networks. Taylor Kubota. Stanford News. March 22, 2017.
Stanford scientists find a previously unknown role for the cerebellum. Nathan Collins. Stanford News. March 20, 2017.
Optimized optical recordings of voltage sensors. Research Highlights. Nature Methods 14(2):109. February 2017.
Stanford researchers use camera to peer into human muscles in real time. Tim Didion, ABC7 News, June 9, 2016.
Fluorescent boost for voltage sensors. V Gradinaru and N.C. Flytzanis, Nature 529:469-70. January 28, 2016.
GoPro for Mouse Brains Records Neural Circuits in Real Time. Jennifer Ouellette, Gizmodo.com. January 19, 2016.
Wearable Second Harmonic Generation Imaging: The Sarcomeric Bridge to the Clinic. Neuron Previews. Neuron. 88:1067-1069. December 16, 2015.
Stanford researchers develop microscope that allows first-ever look at live muscle units in action. Bjorn Carey, Stanford Report, December 16, 2015.
This Camera Records The Thinking Brain. Hilary Brueck, Forbes, October 31, 2015.
Local scientists create fly-catching robot that may help speed research. Tim Didion, ABC7 News, August 27, 2015.
Fly catcher robot to speed up insights into Alzheimer's. Ben Gruber, Reuters, Aug 6, 2015.
Episodic exploration: Short-lived synapses explain the duration of episodic memory retention in the hippocampus (Research paper: Attardo et al.). Elie Dolgrin, NeuroPod, June, 2015.
Brain connections last as long as the memories they store, Stanford neuroscientist finds. Amy Adams, Stanford Report, June 22, 2015.
Watch robot snatch flies without killing them. Amy Adams-Stanford, Futurity.org, May 27, 2015.
Watch This Robot Suck Up Fruit Flies Like A UFO. Sarah Fecht, Popular Science, May 27, 2015.
A Robot That Can Perform Brain Surgery on a Fruit Fly. John Markoff, New York Times, May 27, 2015.
Fly-catching robot developed by Stanford scientists speeds biomedical research. Stanford Report, May 25, 2015.
In vivo voltage sensors. Methods to Watch, Nature Methods, Jan 2015.
A microscope with two arms. Tools in Brief, Nature Methods, Jan 2015.
Efforts to refine tools for recording brain activity get $1 million boost with NIH grant. Oct 2, 2014.
The White House Conference on the BRAIN Initiative, Sep 30, 2014.
Unlocking the Mysteries of the Brain. Milken Institute Global Conference, Apr 29, 2014.
Stanford scientists observe brain activity in real time. Stanford Report, Apr 22, 2014.
Brains in Action. The Scientist Staff, The Scientist, Feb 1, 2014.
Excimer laser opens windows for in-vivo microscopy. Tim Hayes, Optics.org, Dec 16, 2013.
Top 10 Innovations 2013. The Scientist Staff, The Scientist, Dec 1, 2013.
Visualize this: Automated UV laser microsurgery simplifies microscopy and neurophysiology experiments in live animals. Stuart Mason Dambrot, Medical Express, Nov 29, 2013.
Zap! Lasers blast tiny holes in heads of flies to expose brains. NBC News: Charles Choi, LiveScience, Nov 1, 2013.
Lasers Zap Heads of Flies to Expose Brains. Charles Choi, LiveScience, Nov 1, 2013.
Mysterious Brain Circuitry Becomes Viewable. Robert Lee Hotz, The Wall Street Journal, April 22, 2013.
Mapping The Brain Onto The Mind. Lauren K. Wolf, Chemical & Engineering News, April 21, 2013.
President Obama's new $100 million brain research initiative taps several Stanford scientists. Bjorn Carey, Stanford Report, April 2, 2013.
Stanford Researchers Develop Tool for Reading the Minds of Mice. Bjorn Carey, Stanford Institute for Neuro-Innovation and Translational Neurosciences Newsletter, Issue 9, March, 2013.
Stanford scientists capture mouse memories. Peter Fimrite, SFGate, March 17, 2013.
Researchers develop way to read minds of mice. Jonathan Bloom, ABC7 News, Feb 28, 2013.
Mini microscopes see inside the brains of mice. John Roach, NBC News, Feb 20, 2013.
Optical Recording of Maps in the Hippocampus. Corona Radiata Blog, Feb 19, 2013.
The View From Here. HHMI Bulletin, Fall (Vol. 25, No.), 2012.
Rendering the brain-behavior link visible. Nature Methods, Sept 27, 2012.
Seeing Into the Brain with a Miniature Fluorescence Microscope (Science Up Front). Encyclopaedia Britannica Blog, Oct 21, 2011.
The author file: Abbas El Gamal and Mark Schnitzer. Nature Methods, Sept 29, 2011.
Next Generation: All-In-One In Vivo Scope. The Scientist, Sept 16, 2011.
Fingertip-size microscope has huge potential for studying the brain and its diseases, say Stanford researchers. Stanford Report, Sept 16, 2011.
Microscópios capturam neurônios em ação. Scientific American Brazil, Sept 14, 2011.
Fingertip Microscope Can Peek Inside a Moving Animal. Technology Review, Sept 13, 2011.
An optical illusion called 'reverse-phi motion' helps explain how we view moving objects, Stanford scientists find. Stanford Report, Sept 12, 2011.
Microscope 'hats' peer inside mice brains. MSNBC, Sept 12, 2011.
Scientists Develop Miniaturized Fluorescence Microscope. GEN News, Sept 12, 2011.
Tragbares Mikroskop für den Mäusekopf. Spektrumdirekt, Sept 12, 2011.
Miniature microscopes capture neurons in action. Nature News, Sept 11, 2011. See accompanying Photo.
Keck Futures Initiative Awards $1 Million for 13 Research Projects. News from the National Academies, Aug 22, 2011.
Mouse Cam: Tracking Techniques Offer a Long-Term View into the Mouse Brain. HHMI Bulletin, May 2011.
Brain blueprint: New imaging technique reveals long-term cellular changes within the deep brain. Nature Medicine Podcast, Feb 4, 2011.
A time-Lapse Movie Shot Inside the Brain. Technology Review, Jan 26, 2011.
Journey to the Center of the Brain. Gazeta Wyborcza, Jan 19, 2011.
NIH-funded study uses new technology to peek deep into the brain. NIDA Notes, Jan 18, 2011.
New Technique to See Neurons of the Deep Brain for Months at a Time. Science Daily, Jan 17, 2011.
New technique to visualize neurons of the deep brain for months at a time developed by Stanford researchers. Stanford Report, Jan 14, 2011.
First Allen Distinguished Investigators Named. The Paul G. Allen Family Foundation, Nov 18, 2010.
Paul Allen grants go where few have gone before. The Seattle Times, Nov 18, 2010.
Toward reconstructing spike trains from large-scale calcium imaging data. HFSP Journal, Jan 22, 2010.
Research Highlights: MEMS microscope images brains. Nature Photonics, Volume 3. Oct. 2009.
Electrophysiology in the age of light. Nature, Volume 461, Number 7266. Oct. 2009.
Massively Parallel Brain Imaging. Neuroscience Methods, Science, Volume 326, Number 5951. Oct 16, 2009.
Getting inside their minds, Nature Methods Technology Feature. Volume 6, Number 10, Oct, 2009.
Automated ROI analysis for calcium imaging, Brain Windows blog: brainwindows.wordpress.com, Oct 2, 2009.
Tiniest two-photon MEMS microscope performs brain imaging,
Laser Focus World, Aug 1, 2009.
Optical Technologies Expand Vistas Into the Brain,
NIDA Notes. Volume 22, Number 1, Innovations. 2009
News and Views,
Nature Methods 5, 925-926, 2008.
New Way to Study How Muscles Work, The New York Times, July 15, 2008.
First view inside muscle fibers, The Boston Globe ,
July 7, 2008.
Schnitzer named Investigator of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute.
May 2008.
grant funds brain-imaging effort, Stanford Report Feb. 2008.
minds think alike - for good of mankind, USA Today, Oct. 2007.
News Interview, Oct. 2007.
Science's Sixth Annual 'Brilliant Ten' , Oct. 2007.
NIH Director's Pioneer Award, Sept. 2007.
Two professors win $2.5 million Pioneer Awards. Sept.
Life Science Technologies: Cell Signaling - In Vivo
Veritas. Science 22 June 2007.
MEMS-based scanning
device facilitates microendoscopy. in Biophotonics International 2006.
Two-photon microendoscopy
aids brain imaging. Laser Focus World 2005.
microscope offers view deep into living tissue. Stanford Report,
September 14, 2005.
Miniature microscope
allows biomedical researchers to observe tissue deep inside
live subjects. Physorg.com September 13, 2005.
Looking Deeper: New
technique allows for deep brain imaging. RT Image Vol. 18, no. 44 -
October 31, 2005.
microscope peers into mice brains. New Scientist 15:32 20 September
Microscopic brain
imaging in the palm of your hand. American Institute of Physics
GRIN Lenses
used in microendoscope. Biophotonics International 2004.
A Wish List for
Learning About Learning. Science Vol. 300 April 2003.
Single Neuron Spied.
Scientific American 2003.
The 100 Bold Young
Innovators You Need to Know. Technology Review Oct 2003.

Awards to Lab Members:
- Hansol Lim, Young Scientist Award, Max Planck Institute, 2024.
- Gaurav Chattree, American Neurological Association Poster Award, 2024.
- Iason Keramidis, Canadian Association of Neuroscience Brain Star Award, 2023.
- Nicole Mercer Lindsay, Rising Stars in Engineering in Health, Cornell University's Meinig School of Biomedical Engineering, Johns Hopkins Biomedical Engineering, and Columbia University, 2023.
- Simon Haziza, Runner Up, Sammy Kuo Award, 2023.
- Michelle Redinbaugh, NIH F32 Fellowship, 2023.
- Gaurav Chattree, Chan-Zuckerberg Biohub Physician-Scientist Fellowship, 2023.
- Gaurav Chattree, American Academy of Neurology, Neuroscience Research Training Scholarship, 2023.
- Christopher Miranda, Wu Tsai Stanford Neurosciences Institute, Interdisciplinary Scholar Award, 2022.
- Nicole Mercer Lindsay, NIH K99 Career Development Award, 2022.
- Monique Mendes, University of Rochester Medical Center Neuroscience Alumni Award, 2022.
- Amy Christensen, Helen Hay Whitney Fellowship, 2022.
- Monique Mendes awarded Hanna Gray Fellowship, 2022.
- Xiaochen Sun, Jane Coffin Child Fellowship, 2022.
- Itamar Landau, Urbanek Postdoctoral Fellow in Applied Physics, 2020.
- Biafra Ahanonu awarded Hanna Gray Fellowship, 2020.
- Monique Mendes awarded NIH Blueprint D-SPAN K00 Award, 2020.
- Biafra Ahanonu awarded Sammy Kuo Award in Neuroscience, 2019.
- Jones Parker runner up Sammy Kuo Award in Neuroscience, 2018.
- Mark Wagner runner up Sammy Kuo Award in Neuroscience, 2017.
- Jones Parker awarded NIH K01 Research Career Development Award, 2017.
- Jesse Marshall awarded Helen Hay Whitney Postdoctoral Fellowship, 2016.
- Albert Tsao awarded Helen Haye Whitney Fellowship, 2015.
- Biafra Ahanonu awarded HHMI Gilliam Fellowship, 2015.
- Pablo Jercog awarded Marie Curie Fellow, 2014.
- Tugce Tasci awarded Simons Graduate Fellowship, 2014.
- Biafra Ahanonu awarded NSF Graduate Research Fellowship, 2013.
- Amy Christensen awarded Texas Instruments Stanford Graduate Fellowship, 2013.
- Jessica Maxey awarded NIBIB Training in Biomedical Imaging Instrumentation Fellowship, 2013.
- Jerome Lecoq awarded Stanford Vision Trainee, 2013.
- Margaret Carr awarded Helen Hay Whitney Fellowship, 2013.
- Oleg Rumyantsev awarded Stanford Graduate Fellowship, 2012.
- Seung Je Woo awarded Samsung Fellowship, 2012.
- Lacey Kitch awarded Simons Graduate
Fellowship, 2012.
- Lacey Kitch awarded NSF Graduate Research
Fellowship, 2012.
- Lacey Kitch awarded Stanford Graduate Fellowship, 2012.
- Tony Hyun Kim awarded Stanford Graduate Fellowship, 2012.
- Jerome Lecoq awarded the Institut de France Prix AXA-Académie des Sciences, 2011.
- Benjamin Grewe awarded Swiss National Science Foundation Fellowship, 2011.
- Jeff Chi-Tat Law awarded Croucher Fellowship, 2011.
- Shelley Batts awarded Ruth L. Kirschstein NIH NRSA Fellowship, 2010.
- Jesse Marshall awarded Stanford Graduate Fellowship, 2010.
- Elizabeth Otto awarded Stanford Graduate Fellowship,
- Georg Dietzl awarded Austrian Academy of Science Fellowship, 2009.
- Dan-Anders Jirenhed awarded Swedish Research Council Fellowship, 2009.
- Zuzanna Piwkowska awarded Marie Curie
Fellowship, 2009.
- Yaniv Ziv awarded Machiah Fellowship, 2008.
- Yaniv Ziv awarded Rothschild Fellowship, 2008.
- Melinda Cromie awarded Stanford Graduate Interdisciplinary Fellowship (Co-Advised by Scott Delp), 2008.
- Gabriel Sanchez awarded Stanford Graduate Fellowship (Co-Advised with Scott Delp), 2008.
- Eran Mukamel named Sloan-Swartz Postdoctoral Fellow, Harvard University, 2008.
- Brian Wilt awarded Stanford Bio-X Graduate
Fellowship, 2008.
- James Fitzgerald awarded NSF Graduate Research
Fellowship, 2008.
- Laurie Burns awarded NSF Graduate Research
Fellowship, 2008.
- Robert Barretto, Co-Author, Best Methods Paper,
American Society of Biomechanics, 2007.
- Michael Molineux awarded Alberta Heritage Foundation for Medical Research Fellowship,
- Laurie Burns awarded Stanford Graduate Fellowship,
- Axel Nimmerjahn awarded Feodor Lynen research
fellowship, Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, 2006.
- Axel Nimmerjahn awarded International Human
Frontier Science Program fellowship, 2006.
- Axel Nimmerjahn awarded Otto Hahn-Medal, Max Planck
Society, 2006.
- Axel Nimmerjahn awarded Du Bois-Reymond Prize of
the German Physiological Society, 2006.
- Robert Barretto awarded NSF Graduate Fellow
Honorable Mention, 2005.
- Eunice Cheung awarded Dean's Fellowship, Stanford
University School of Medicine, 2005.
- Ed Boyden named Helen Hay Whitney Fellow, 2005.
- Daniel Wetmore awarded NSF Graduate Research
Fellowship, 2004.
- Benjamin Flusberg awarded NSF Graduate Research
Fellowship, 2004.
- Amit Mehta named Life Sciences Research Fellow, 2003.
- Eran A. Mukamel awarded NSF Graduate Fellowship, 2002.
Awards to Mark Schnitzer:
- Vannevar Bush Faculty Fellow, Dept. of Defense, 2022-2027.
- National Academy of Sciences, Committee on Biological Physics, A Decadal Survey, Dec. 2019-2022.
- Scientific Advisory Board, Allen Institute for Brain Science, Mindscope, 2019-2020.
- Method of the Year, Nature Methods, awarded to the miniature fluorescence microscope, 2019.
- Scientific Advisory Board, NSF National Center for Brain Mapping, Oct. 2016–present.
- Editorial Board, Neuron, Cell Press, Nov. 2016–present.
- NIH BRAIN Initiative Multi-Council Working Group, which oversees the BRAIN Initiative, 2014-2017.
- Caltech, Wiersma Visiting Professor, March 16–20, 2015.
- United States BRAIN Initiative NIH Director’s Advisory Committee, which authored “BRAIN 2025”, 2013-2014.
- Top Innovation of 2013, The Scientist, to the miniature fluorescence microscope invented in our lab.
- Finalist (on behalf of Inscopix, for our lab’s miniature microscope), Israel Brain Prize, Tel Aviv, 2013.
- Ellison Senior Scholar Award, 2012.
- National Academy Keck Futures Initiative Award, W.M. Keck Foundation, 2011.
- Allen Distinguished Investigator Award, Paul G. Allen Family Foundation, 2010.
- Michael & Kate Bárány Young Investigator Award, Biophysical Society, 2010.
- Investigator, Howard Hughes Medical Institute,
- Best Techniques Paper, Co-Author, American Society
of Biomechanics, 2007 (for imaging human sarcomeres).
- W.M. Keck Foundation, Medical Research Program
grant, 2007.
- The Brilliant 10, Top ten brilliant scientists
under age 40, Nov. 2007.
- NIH Director's Pioneer Award, 2007.
- Terman Fellow, Stanford University, 2006.
- Beckman Interdisciplinary Translational Research
Program Award, 2005.
- Fellowship in Science & Engineering, David
& Lucille Packard Foundation, 2005.
- Presidential Early Career Award in Science and
Engineering (PECASE), awarded June 13, 2005 at the White House.
- Sloan Research Fellowship from the Alfred P. Sloan
Foundation, 2005.
- Klingenstein Fellowship in the Neurosciences, 2004.
- Young Investigator Award, Beckman Foundation, 2004.
- Young Investigator Award, Office of Naval Research,
Cognitive & Neural Division, 2004.
- Member of TR100, World's Top 100 Innovators under
age 35, Technology Review Magazine, Oct. 2003.
- Cutting Edge Basic Research Award (CEBRA), National
Institutes of Health, 2003.
- Young Investigator Award (with #1 world ranking),
Human Frontiers in Science Program, 2002.
- McKnight Technological Innovations in Neuroscience
Award, 2000.